2 typical examples are e.g .:

Vegan: Despite a wholesome, well-planned and wholesome vegan diet, there are some critical nutrients that cannot or can only be met with great difficulty, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, DHA, iodine, zinc, EPH, selenium, iron, vitamin B2, calcium, protein , Energy, lysine.

(From Niko Rittenau "Vegan cliché goodbye ", "Presentation of critical nutrients by severity".

The current supply status can be determined by means of blood parameter analyzes, please contact your family doctor if you are interested.

Workaholics: „Always under power and stress, little or no time to eat and drink, hardly any outside in the air and in the evening totally knocked out


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2 typical examples are e.g .:

Vegan: Despite a wholesome, well-planned and wholesome vegan diet, there are some critical nutrients that cannot or can only be met with great difficulty, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, DHA, iodine, zinc, EPH, selenium, iron, vitamin B2, calcium, protein , Energy, lysine.

(From Niko Rittenau "Vegan cliché goodbye ", "Presentation of critical nutrients by severity".

The current supply status can be determined by means of blood parameter analyzes, please contact your family doctor if you are interested.

Workaholics: „Always under power and stress, little or no time to eat and drink, hardly any outside in the air and in the evening totally knocked out